May 2023 Reading Wrap Up #Bookly

Reposting this from my personal blog as I have decided to separate bookish posts from lifestyle things!

May was a slow reading month for me due to so many new lifestyle changes that happened throughout the month, but I read some pretty good books that I’m happy about!

I love using the Bookly app for tracking my reading, and I even decided to pay for the premium version to get more of its features. I absolutely adore the reading reports that the app can generate with just a few clicks, and I’ll share my May report below! (This is not an ad, by the way… I wish I could be sponsored LOL. Maybe one day!)

Oh, and let me also do a little wrap up of the top books I read this month! I’m always wanting to talk about books, and I’m super happy to have an outlet (this blog) to write about it!

Brie’s May 2023 Favorites

Starfish by Lisa Fipps

Easily a 5 star book. Everything about this book was so heart-wrenchingly beautiful. The way Lisa Fipps completely encaptures the reality of being a fat girl growing up to how the main character, Ellie, learns to deal with the bullying and accept her body was just *chefs kiss* perfection.

I will say, however, that I do feel like this book is a little intense to be a middle grade book; some of the scenes might be really triggering to a younger, more immature audience. But as a 22-year-old fat girl living in a country that is so crazy about perfect beauty standards, this book really got to me. Highly recommend.

Lore Olympus: Volume One by Rachel Smythe

Shoutout to my friend Dani for lending me this book, because boy oh boy was this a delight to read. I’ve always been a huge fan of Greek/Roman mythology growing up, so reading this felt nostalgic and cozy. I love how Rachel Smythe illustrates the characters.

When my friend Dani lent me this book, she said that one thing she loves about Lore Olympus is that the author talks about different topics in a really well-put-together way, and I completely agree with her. Some topics are heavier, but it’s written so delicately that nothing feels insensitive. Thank you again for lending me the book, Dani, and I can’t wait to read the second volume! I also can’t believe it took me this long to finally read this!

Tremendous by Joey “Coco” Diaz, Erica Florentine

I picked this book up as an audiobook after hearing my boyfriend listening to it, and I’m very glad I did. I don’t know a lot of celebrities so I had no idea who Joey Diaz was going into this book, but I honestly think that actually worked out in the book’s favor.

This book was heavy on the topic of drug use and addiction, and I felt like it had some similarities to Matthew Perry’s memoir, Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing which I also listened to as an audiobook. But unlike that book which I gave two stars on, I actually genuinely enjoyed hearing Joey Diaz’s perspective on his journey with all the struggles he was faced with because the topics discussed were all so new to me. Thanks babe for introducing me to this book!

A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson

Aaaaaaand my TOP favorite book of May award goes to this. magnificent. book. If you like vampires, a bit of horror, romance, feminine rage, all wrapped together with a sprinkle of sapphic, this book is for you. The way I related so much to Constanta was insane, and I truly felt like I was physically there with them.

is book is a rollercoaster of a ride, but it grips you and does not let go. It’s immersive, emotional, romantic, bizarre… basically, perfection. This book unlocked a whole new genre for me, and I could not be happier. If you need a fairly quick, fast but well-paced, enticing read, look no further. This book is exactly what you need.

Well folks, that was my May wrap up for 2023! I had so much fun writing this and going over all the books I read this month. I might not have read as much as I’d wanted to, but I got to read some absolute bangers, so I call this a win. Til next time!

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