Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros – My New Favourite Book (Yes, Seriously.)

My friend, Cait, has been gushing about this book called Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros for a bit and initially I didn’t think much of it; I was just happy that she found a book she loved so much. But this week a few people in a bookish Discord server I’m in decided to buddy read this book, and I thought why not.

I was honestly terrified by the page count because I’m a short book girly and I can rarely handle books longer than 300 pages. But – and I mean this with my whole heart – this book felt too short and I found myself so surprised towards the end when I was actually DISAPPOINTED to find out that the book had ended. Usually with longer books I tend to constantly check how far along I am, but with this one? None of that.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to talk about any spoilers in this post because the book is fairly new. But if you’re a sucker for the enemies-to-lovers trope and fast-paced, constantly drama-fueled story with DRAGONS, this might just be the book for you.

Don’t get me wrong, this book isn’t perfect. No book ever is. There were definitely flaws throughout the story, and at times I felt like the writing felt a little too rushed or as if big ideas were simply being brushed over. But you know what? I didn’t give a damn because I just loved reading this book so much that I was fine ignoring the little flaws.

Oh – I should also note that I let go of the part of my brain that used to be a huge critic about all books I read, largely due to my belief that you had to learn something from every book, that every book had to be perfect or it couldn’t be enjoyable or awarded 5 stars. Since giving up that mindset, I’ve been having so much more fun with reading. I feel like with this book I could just sit down, unwind, and immerse myself within the Fourth Wing universe.

This book won’t be for everyone. But it was everything for me. I haven’t felt like this about a book since… well, since I was a pre-teen. It has been so long since I’ve been this emotionally invested in characters’ lives, wanting to know what happens to every single one, aching to find out what happens in the next scene. Needless to say, I cannot wait for the release of the second book in the series.

So yeah, this is 100% my new favourite book. Not because of its literary perfection, but because of how much I enjoyed getting lost in its world. And I have this book to thank because I feel like my intense fear of longass books is no longer so intense anymore. In fact, I literally dove straight back into ACOTAR (I was halfway through the book until I “set it aside” two months ago) because Heather told me “this is literally ACOTAR but with dragons” and she better be right, because gosh darn this book hangover is so, so real right now.

Oh! Almost forgot! Thank you SO, SO, SOOOOOOOO!!! much Heather for giving me a way to read this book. You are an absolute angel and I love you so much and I’m so glad we’ve become closer through the power of blogging. Folks – if you’re reading this now, be sure to check out Heather’s blog because it is simply amazing. I know I don’t have many visitors on this blog, but I don’t care! She deserves the shoutout ❤

Anyways, I am SO excited for the next book and I can’t wait until I get my physical copy in the mail.

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